Monthly Archives: September 2024

Automatic gate closure installed

September 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|

A device that automatically closes the marina gate has been installed due to the gate often being left open.  Take care not to leave you gate key card behind and find yourself locked because the gate has automatically closed.  If you do find yourself locked out, our caretaker will likely be around to let you [...]


September 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Welcome to our new caretakers, Terrance and Rebekah Lesperance.  They come with a wealth of boating experience.  Terrence is originally from the Seychelles and has many years of yachting experience including international licensing to operate 200 ton vessels.  Rebekah is an RN who has travelled widely including spending time on the Greenpeace vessel, the Sea [...]